
Gender and power in the New Europe, the 5th Feminist Research Conference : [papers]
Public and private welfare : perspectives on the Swedish public sector from a feminist point of view
Gender mainstreaming and the women's movement
Don't they want to - or don't they get to ? A study of the low number of female representatives at the Sameting in Norway
Gender, power and leadership : perspectives from figurational sociology
Responsible relations : a theoretical reading of the evolution of politics of equal opportunities
Gender differences among researchers in the public sector : the Danish case
Women's stories about leadership : development through narratives
The peaceable police women ? : the practice of deescalation in the eys of female and male police officers
Equal opportunities for lesbians, gays and bisexuals : the 'velvet triangle' of research, social movement and policy
Gender (in)equality in the post-socialist Romania
Challenging the slow motion of gender equality : the case of Iceland
Chech women's civic and political participation in the process of the EU enlargement
The integration of Poland into the European Union : opportunities for equality between women and men or adherence to tradition ?
Gender, power and European integration theory
Why is there no strong women's movement in Latvia ?
Politics of women's organizations and civil society in Turkey
The Hartz Commission Report and the 'Entrepreneur of him/herself' : gender relations, gouvernementality and neoliberalism
Covered or uncovered ? : female leadership to lift barriers keeping girls out of school in Turkey
Engendering hospitality : Levinasian ethics and women refugees in the Netherlands
Coming to knowledge, coming to politics : a reflection on feminist practices from the NextGENDERation network


Collection de bibliothèque - 03/03/B/2_EN

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