
Gelijke kansen voor mannen en vrouwen in Europees perspectief : de genderbenadering in sociaal werk
[S.n. : s.l.], 2001
173 p. : ann., bibliogr.
Met de steun van de Europese Commissie (Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs en Cultuur) en Leonardo Da Vinci Programma
This project aims to contribute to a more profound understanding of the issue of equal opportunities between men and women. It aims to explore possible strategies to develop equal opportunities in the workplace, and in social and community contexts. The project is developing training material which can be integrated into other established curricula. The material will be focused on the social and community sector and will analyse the policy concerning equal opportunities in several EU member states. The material will include topics relating to both theory and practice and provide examples of good practice. The material is being designed for trainee social and community workers and for human resource managers. The project is led by K H Kempen Geel, Belgium with collaboration from: Sociale Hogeschool Leuven, Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel, Hogeschool Antwerp, Amazone, STEBO - Genk, AZTEC - UK, University of Surrey, Rinkeby Stadsdelsforfaltung (Sweden), Foundation for Equal Opportunties (Hungary), Lajos Kossuth University Bebrecen (Hungary), Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschool Brussel, Sociale Hogeschool Gent, Hogeschool West Vlaanderen, Karel De Grote Hogeschool, Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad, Bond Vormings en Ontwikkelingsorganisaties, Pluralistisch Overleg Welzijn, Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin, Hogeschool De Horst (Netherlands), Magyar Maltai ( Hungary)


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