
Gender Equality Duty : Draft Code of Practice, Scotland
71 p.
Equal Opportunities Commission (Scotland)
'This is a draft Code for Consultation purposes only'
The gender equality duty is part of a new breed of legislation that will serve to ensure that all public bodies build gender equality into the way in which they carry out their business. The duty, which will be effective in April 2007 in England, Scotland and Wales, will be modelled along the lines of the existing race and forthcoming disability duties, with a clear focus on outcomes, although there are some differences in the detail. This Code of Practice issued by the EOC explains how to implement the duty and how public bodies can integrate it into their day-to-day operations.


Collection de bibliothèque - 07.12.1/06/C.UK/2_EN

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- 07.12.1/06/C.UK/2_EN Non empruntable -